We need to develop a focus of our systemic change. I have two points of focus. The DOC Department of Corrections and the NSSF The National Shooting Sports Foundation. DOC: There is a direct correlation between the practice policy and institutions of the DOC and the carnage taking place on the streets of the inner city. The DOC is intentionally and adroitly creating worse people and there is actually a medical term for this process called PICS Post Incarceration Syndrome and Relapse. There are countless stories, examples, and an endless amount of data that connects the failures and intentions of the DOC to violence within society. We need to expose that connection. NSSF: An innumerable amount of guns make it into communities in which they are not made. These weapons with a reported "11.5 million" made in 2108, consistently intentionally and adroitly make it into the hands of children, and criminals, they are used to victimize women, they kill police officers yet those charged with the safe keeping if these weapons have no accountability. With this hyper focus of overwhelmingly black men and the demand side of illegal guns, manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, and retail gun